The second of the series of Webinars is scheduled on Nov 27. This is now under the IPRN Theme 2 - Rights and democratic development of societies especially of youth, women, workers and peasants.
Read More →It may be raining hard in the streets but it was raining lies inside the Batasang Pambansa during the State of the Nation Address of Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.
The workshop with the theme: “African Peoples’ Response to the Global Polycrisis”, provided a platform for researchers from civil society and social movements to analyze and strategize on how to navigate the multiple intersecting development challenges faced by the continent today.
IPRN promotes and develops people’s research as a key contribution to comprehensive societal development nationally and internationally through multilevel networking, skills development in peoples research, and research cooperation including public dissemination and use of knowledge. Goals of IPRN are Reach out to