June 27-28, 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya
The workshop with the theme: “African Peoples’ Response to the Global Polycrisis”, provided a platform for researchers from civil society and social movements to analyze and strategize on how to navigate the multiple intersecting development challenges faced by the continent today. Antonio Tujan Jr. and Sonny Oliveros of IPRN facilitated the said workshop participated in fifteen researchers from East, West and Southern Africa who came from a diverse background of community-based organizations and mass organizations.
Two research papers were presented at the workshop: Demba Moussa Dembele’s research paper on “Terrorism, Foreign Military Intervention, and People’s Resistance in the Sahel Region”, and Gershom Kabaso Jr.’s paper on “Land and Food in Africa: How Neoliberal Globalization is Impacting Agricultural Production and Peasants’ Lives and Livelihood.”
The participants exchanged views on why there is a need to be peoples’ researchers and what sets it apart from mainstream research work. Participants appreciated how peoples’ research deepens the organic wisdom rooted in people’s struggles, and the role of research in strengthening advocacy and campaigning on people’s issues. The workshop also provided a space for participants to brainstorm on areas for future research collaborations.
On June 29th, the IPRN co-sponsored a public forum with the International League for Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) on the same topic of “African Peoples’ Response to the Global Polycrisis”.